About School Fees Checker
The task of finding the right independent school can be a daunting one at first, but we've developed schoolfeeschecker.co.uk to take away some of the pain from the financial planning process. Our simple aim is to help other parents at the start of their journey by bringing clarity to school fees in the UK.
While developing this tool, we’ve drawn on our own and other parents’ experiences of school planning, in order to address some of the most common questions. Drawing on our database of over 800 independent secondary schools, school fee structures are updated annually, standardised and presented clearly on a simple timeline.
Our aim is to help parents gain a better insight into the costs involved in independent education, and to help them estimate what they might need to save in order to afford the future they want for their child.
There’s no denying that, for many, providing an independent education for their child will involve huge financial sacrifices along the way. That's why schoolfeeschecker.co.uk is completely FREE for parents to use.
We built our site with parents in mind, and have kept it simple so that you can get the information you need, without the fuss! It only takes 3 short steps to start comparing over 800 UK independent secondary schools.
Simply enter your postcode, region or the specific school you're interested in. Then your child’s date of birth and first name to start your journey today…