The decision about your child’s education is one of the most important that you will ever make. There’s no denying however that, for many, getting the right kind of education for their child will also involve huge financial sacrifices along the way. While the task of finding the right school can be a daunting one at first, School Fees Checker aims to take some of the pain of the financial planning and help parents at the start of their journey by bringing clarity to school fees in the UK.
When designing and developing this tool we’ve drawn on our own and other parents’ experiences of the school planning, in order to address some of the most common questions the new process will have. Our aim is to help parents gain a better insight into what schooling costs, what they might need to save now to fund it in the future, and what steps the schools are taking to make their fees more affordable.
Our website brings together different fee structures from over 800 UK independent schools into one standardised model, and presents them on a clear and detailed time-line. It's completely free for parents to use, although we do charge a small fee to the schools for maintaining their data and profiles on our site. The aim is to help you make an easy and informed comparison of the financial commitments involved in choosing an independent school, before moving on to the more important decision about whether it will be the right fit academically and philosophically for your child.
Happy planning!